The Welsh coastline and marine environment is home to a diverse array of species and habitats. On this page, you will find activity plans covering everything from how to rockpool sustainably to information and activities on rare marine species such as Angelsharks.

All the activities and games will help you deliver against current curriculum and will enable learners to progress in the way described in the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.

Angel Shark Project: Wales​

Ever heard of an Angelshark?  Discover the story of one of the world’s rarest sharks and where it lives in Wales.  The Angel Shark Project: Wales is a collaborative project led by Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) which aims to safeguard and better understand Angelsharks in Wales.

An eBook has been developed for learners wishing to understand more about this critically endangered species along with an eBook Handbook for teachers. To access the resources please visit the Angels of Wales eBook.


Going rockpooling is a great way to explore the hidden world of the sea's fascinating creatures. Learn more about how rockpools form, the biodiversity that lives in them and how to rockpool sustainably.

Creature Features

This role play activity examines the physical characteristics of marine animals and will get your learners thinking about how they are specially adapted to live in a marine environment.

Activity plan – Creature Features

Make a marine food chain

Can your learners order themselves correctly to make a marine food chain?  This activity encourages understanding of energy flow within food chains.

Activity plan – Make a food chain

Resource cards - Make a food chain

Coastal Safari

Buckle up, it’s time to go on a Coastal Safari.  This activity encourages learners to investigate habitats through different perspectives and scales.  If you were a sea slater living on a rocky shore or a rove beetle living on a sandy beach what adventures would you have?

Activity plan - Coastal Safari

Pebble Lines

Investigate lines and shape with our Pebble Lines activity.  Can your learners work together to see if they can arrange pebbles so that their lines create a straight or curved line?

Activity plan – Pebble lines

Pebble Towers

A steady hand and a sense of balance is required for this activity which explores non-standard measurement, height, weight, mass capacity and 3D shape.  Dismantle your tower once complete. 

Activity plan – Pebble towers

Beach Bowling

Posture, precision, and a competitive edge are all that are required for a game of Beach Bowling.

Activity plan – Beach bowling

Coastal Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt has it all.  It exercises both your body and mind.  It encourages teamwork and problem solving and you can enjoy and explore the natural environment through colour and texture whilst you’re completing your hunt.  What’s not to like? 

Activity plan – Scavenger hunt

Resource cards – Scavenger hunt coastal

Gronant and Talacre then and now

 In the past, the North-East Wales coastal dune system would have run from Rhyl to Talacre, broken only by the estuary of the River Clwyd. Over time the landscape has changed, and area is now a popular tourist destination and biodiversity hotspot.

Find out how the landscape at Gronant and Talacre has changed over time by watching our range of video clips. From becoming a popular visitor destination after the Second World War to being managed for a range of purposes today, first-hand interviews given by some of the people who live, work and play in the area will get you up to speed.   

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